(Released) Pirates & Traders

Well, I’m close to completing my second Android game and have reached the point where I would like to have it tested on some other devices than my own. I’ve not yet settled on a name for the game - the current working title is “Pirates and Privateers”. I tend to long names, though, so will probably end up changing it.

The game is a 2D turn-based role-playing adventure on the high seas. Think something along the lines of Sid Meier’s Pirates without the action mini-games and you get the idea. The player is free to trade or rob and pillage across the Caribbean as the fancy strikes him (or her). Each turn is a month in the game, and the game ends when the player gets too old to (or more usually, gets killed). Like my previous attempt, the game is free and ad-supported.

Here is the link if you would like to help me test it: http://www.micabyte.com/android/pirates.apk

Some issues I know of and which I will fix progressively:
- Help system still requires additional explanations and pictures. Probably still a few things missing, but not much.
- High score system non-functional.
- Ship inspection and capture end the game (should actually allow for alternative ways to escape justice).

So if you have time and the subject interests you, please give it a spin and let me know how it works for you. I am interested in feedback about - well, pretty much everything.






What is the minimum version requirements ? I couldn’t install it on my HTC Hero with 1.5

(some screenshots would be nice to attract some testers, btw)

Hi t,

That is very weird. ???

Like my other game, it is developed against 1.6, but has minSDKversion 3. My own phone is a HTC Magic with 1.5 and it runs fine on that. The only limitation on the game should be that it does not run on small-screen phones. I made a few changes to the manifest file and have uploaded a new version of the apk (same link). Please try it and let me know if you can get that to work.

Screens coming up… now.

Just tested it on my G1, runs fine so far, scrolling the map is a bit weird though.
And I don’t like the ship icon on the map, looks kinda broken :slight_smile:

Fought against a Ship, but after winning, clicking on “Capture” didn’t do anything.
Maybe the fights could at least have a bit of animation, like firing cannons or something.

Yeah, the ship icon isn’t the prettiest - I should see if I can find something a little better.

You may have gotten confused by the “Capture” button? What it does is switch your ship with the ship you are plundering (so, e.g., if you somehow succeed in taking out a Frigate or Sloop of War, you can take over those ships). Problem noted.

Animation of the combat is probably a bit beyond the specs of what I wish to do with this, but thanks for the suggestion.

P.S. Could you elaborate a little bit on what was weird about the map scroll?

Never mind - I think I figured that one out (accelerating scroll). I’ve uploaded a new version that scrolls more normally; if you have time to take a look at it, let me know if that works better.

Uploaded a version 0.3.0 which adds a bunch of stuff (ranks, more events), improves the UI slightly, and fixes a number of bugs. Will probably be the final version prior to release, unless some new bugs are found between now and then.

Now released on the Market. If any of you should have any further comments, I remain interested, feedback on the Market usually being less than… useful.

With the market being opened to developers I have finally launched a paid version of this app: Pirates and Traders: Gold!

Exciting times - I’m particularly interested to see how many of the 100K+ free downloads convert to sales.