Redeem joint impulse.

Hi everyone.
Maybe someone have this problem and found it solution:
i create 3 DistanceJoint between player body and wall:

When i destroy one of it, player body begins to move up and down - i like that, but I need so it stopped a couple of repetitions up\down.
World didnt have gravity, so it never stopped=(

Also count of distanceJoint can be more that 3…
This is code of my DistanceJoint

        DistanceJointDef distanceJointDef = new DistanceJointDef();
        distanceJointDef.bodyA = someWall;
        distanceJointDef.bodyB = playerBody;
        distanceJointDef.collideConnected = true;
        distanceJointDef.frequencyHz = 0.8f;
        distanceJointDef.dampingRatio= 0.4f;

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