Recruitment for Team Technic

You’re going to have a hard time picking up the higher quality programmers on this forum without a little more meat to show us. Personally, I would never give you a chance based on your OP. You need to step up your game about ten fold to even have a chance at peaking anyone’s interest who is worth having.

  • No website
    This is a big deal, this alone is a complete killer. How can I trust you if you don’t even have the resources to put together a website?

  • No media
    All we see is a short video of you rotating a rectangle around, the 12-13 year old programmers here can do that. We need to see something more impressive.

  • Your main “coder” goes by a username and not his real name
    Redflag you’re not remotely as serious as you need to be. I want real names, real job titles, portfolios, work examples.

  • “It’s not a Minecraft clone!” Minecraft clone.
    It takes a lot to prove you’re not just making Minecraft 2.0, while there’s nothing wrong with making a Minecraft clone I raise an eye brow when people say something like this. It shows signs of no original creative thought, and that’s pretty much a company-killer for indie studios. You have to attempt to be original to even survive.

My advice is to work on your own for a while, prove to us you have what it takes to make this game, and then hire more people to help you. No newcomer is going to want to come into a new “studio” (random people on the internet) and help when you can’t even prove you’re capable of the task. Why waste our time? We could make our own games. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I am hoping to add some sort of survival aspect to it like Minecraft. BEFORE anyone says I am copying Minecraft, let me establish one thing, I look up to Notch and I don’t want to try to clone or copy his success. I am inspired by his work and I wanted to make a game with voxels. Just because I am making a voxel based game doesn’t mean I am copying Minecraft. Now that that’s out of the way, I will finish answering Pizza’s question. It will be an open world survival sandbox game. There will be reactions like Powder Toy (A falling sand science game) but in a 3D world like Minecraft.

ah, see, now that’s more like it. It doesn’t sound like a Minecraft clone anymore, but you still need to work on it some more before recruiting people. You need to prove your team is capable of the task alone and you just need more help to accelerate the process. No one wants to come into a new team and be “the backbone”, they could just work on their own.

The only reason we don’t have a website yet is because I can’t find a good, cheap host. I already know HTML5 but I just need a host.

If you (or a core team member) is/are a student, the GitHub student pack gives you about 20 months worth of Digital Ocean’s basic hosting plan for free, as well as all sorts of other web-related services to bootstrap yourself with. Even if you don’t take the pack, check it out to get some names to research.

My interest is piqued by the powder game mention (I always like those games), although like Ray said I’m not sold. I’ll eagerly await further info.
Is pressure/wind/etc to be incorporated like in the powder game? Because that shit is hard in 2D, let alone 3D, especially if you want it fast and on an arbitrarily-sized playing field.
Having made a couple sand-game engines myself (although quite a while ago), my guess is that your biggest problem down the road will be performance for the sand-like interaction, unless you know something I never figured out. (which is also quite possible)

I might try to implement pressure systems later once I get some terrain generation and a player/camera object.

I don’t know what you consider cheap, but I pay $600 a year for my hosting, while that sounds like a lot it’s really only $50/month. When you start thinking about making serious Steam-worthy quality games, $50/month shouldn’t even make you blink, and you can get hosting for much cheaper. I just wanted my server to house multiple websites, and have enough bandwidth to survive a high traffic hit. (I have the VPS-2000S)

You’ll have many costs a head of you to do this all right, your expenses vary depending on what you’re doing though. Like BP said, you can fetch a GitHub Pro account dirt cheap if you’re students. But even full price, GitHub isn’t that bad. Like I said, it all depends on you and what you need to get the job done. I don’t even use Git so I don’t have that expense at all. I work alone, and just manage my own source control in-house between my VPS, Creative Cloud and backup drives.

If you want an idea of what my personal expenses ended up being before I made a single dime; I already shelled out $600 for web hosting (for the year, but to be fair I would of paid almost that anyway since I had a VPS already), $60~ for a domain (5 years registration for 2 domains), IP.Board and the Apps I needed for it for $300 (Plus $50/year to renew), Steam Greenlight Fee of $100, Making a contract with my music guy that will eventually cost me $1,500, and my Creative Cloud subscription for $20/month (Student discount, normally it’s $50/month). Along with a few other hidden fees here and there I’m sure I forgot about.

Web hosting is cheap compared to how much you may end up paying for other things you need down the road. Obviously you can do it without most of these, but you greatly increase your chances of making money if you spend what you need, where you need to get the professional image you’ll have to have to be taken seriously by developers and gamers alike. :wink:

I guess all I’m trying to say, is go big or go home! So you should ask yourself if you’re serious enough to be willing to pay for these things when you need to pay them even if your game hasn’t turned a profit yet, if you’re willing to do this you might have a chance. :smiley:

but still, like I said, you need to at least get a professional website and some more media up proving to us (Developers) you’re serious and worth our time, or we’ll just assume you’re another guy who’s dreams are more grandiose than their abilities.

i wasted 6 minutes on this image, that i will never get back! + uploading,posting,and typing all off this!

Then why did you do it?

dunno nothing better to do =P

I think you may have mistaken JGO for 4chan. Don’t need that kind of stuff here.

You post a tech demo of you rotating a camera around a single point and expect a team yet people (orangepascal , me , heroesgravedev , rayvolution , theagentd and many many more) all have fully functional playable demonstrations even steam games (im a few miles away but still I can dream) , they only ask for money when its in the final stages they only ask for help when plagued by a trivial problem that melts their minds. Do not come here expecting for an instant response because you built something most people (on JGO naturally) could learn to do in a half an hour. If you ask for business and help post some work you have done along with some code to prove that 1: You can actually handle tasks independently and dont need to be dragged along 2: Didnt steal the code from anywhere else and 3: If you can code competently in a manor that a team could work with.

To me it sounds like he is trying to hire programmers who will make complete game for him, but he isn’t going to pay them anything unless the game is a success and starts selling.

Last post was December 25th :point:

And even back then the conversation was definitely not productive.

Move along.

The project is not dead! Here is the new topic: