Realistic Lighting in a 2D game

I did some flashlight effect in J2D for my unfinished entry at LD48.

In pseudo code:

define cone of light;
use cone for clipping;
draw scene;
define gradient (transparente to black) in the direction of light
paint the cone with the gradient;

The result is something like this image:

Then I added the same logic for a square around the player, and some options to control the ligh focus(distance v/s spread) getting this:

Don’t know how is the performace in old machines or old JVM, but in my PC (athlon 64 3000Mhz, 1GB DDR2, nVidia7600GS 256 MB, jdk1.6_XX) it works fine.

hey rdcarvallo, you wouldnt happen to mind sending me/ posting the source code for that would you?

thank you for the algorithm

Here goes the code:

//g2 is a Graphics2D object
//p is a Player object
//map is a Map(TileMap) object
Arc2D.Double arc = new Arc2D.Double();
arc.setArcByCenter(p.getLightX(), p.getLightY(), radius, p.getAngle()-spread, 2*spread, Arc2D.PIE);
GradientPaint gp = new GradientPaint(p.getLightX(),p.getLightY(),new Color(0,0,0,0),
    p.getLightX()+radius*(float)Math.cos(Math.toRadians(p.getAngle())),p.getLightY()-radius*(float)Math.sin(Math.toRadians(p.getAngle())),new Color(0,0,0));

And the Demo, could you post how it runs on your machines?
UP, DOWN: flashlight angle
Z, X: flashlight focus
A: Run
S: Jump
Space: Pause/MiniMap

It freezes right away:P

windows XP

same here, windows XP also

the JVM doesnt even start (the small java icon at the bottom right of the screen…)

Strange… I tested in my home (WinXP SP2, JDK1.6_XX).

I’ll recompile for 1.4 and upload again later, now I’m at work.

that wont help, i have 1.6.

the problem is that the main screen appears, but then I get stuck there…

the secret is to press s !!!

Ha… Press “S” to start ::), thanks Hansdampf!!

i must be retarded

hehe yeah me too.

umm, am I supposed to just fall eternally??


I exported the project directly to a jar, but I had the resources hard-coded (d:/eclipse/workspace…) in the map loading code. In my PC the jar worked, since the resources were in place.

Here goes a version fixed and compliled for jdk1.4

Next version goes to the showcase.

to me its more like floating in the middle of an ocean, no land at sight
(out of topic for last time , promise )

If the Lighting is killing your performance, you can make the layer with the mult objects lower res without any problems. 1024x768 mainlayer, 160x120 light layer.

Congratulations on necroing a 1188 day old thread.


Its in the wiki… :slight_smile:

I’m using JOCL (OpenCL binding for Java) and my own algorithms as OpenCL-C kernels or just java parallel stream of int[] array of pixels. This is the effects:
some tests:

and final results in game:

Congratulations on necro’ing a thread that was last posted on 1,829 days ago.

Yeah, ‘you guys’ didn’t like the automated old-topic locking :point: