Realistic 2D helicopter sidescroller movement tips

I’m making a 2D helicopter sidescroller (original, I know!) where the helicopter is fixated in the middle of the screen and makes his way past obstacles. I’m having trubble finding a good solution for “realistic” movement speeds with gravity affecting etc.

I’ve gotten a bit into the game now and since I from the start really wanted to get coding and didn’t know the math behind the “realistic” movements I used fixated movements instead (as in i move up, down, left or right untill i let go then dont move anymore).

I want my helicopter to be affected by gravity the whole time, and I can’t really find any good examples for this anywhere :frowning:

Up-key = makes the helicopter accelerate up untill you hit the max speed.
Down-key = makes the helicopter accelerate (faster acceleration then if you just let the up-key go) downwards untill you reach max fall speed.
Left-key = makes the helicopter go left untill you hit max speed but still with gravity “pulling” it down
Right-key = same as left but to the right.

I tried searching both here and all over but it seem hopeless.
Does anyone know any good examples that I can look at or maybe someone can try to explain it to me here? <3 ::slight_smile:

Best regards!