Well on my working m/c this test example is working fine ,
i mean no problem with fourth frame .
The problem comes when i use on newer m/c with updated graphics card.
That also not with fourth frame getting rendered but only if you resize the panel etc.
As it is not happening on your m/c , please send me your system details with what graphic card you are using.
This problem does not come when different scenes are rendered on separate canvases , so that means it is because
of some illegal sharing of memory .
yaa these error doesn’t say much , i googled for this problem and initially my reaction was that this problem is with
Swing integration with Opengl , and so i tried this on Java 6.0 also .
i am able to render multiple canvases in JOGl but when i use Xith for rendering than this problem comes .That too
when we share the scene-Graph .
So now i think i need to see how the same scene is rendered to multiple canvases and lets see what we can find ?