Random brain fart: the rationale behind versioning


  • We code to develop a product that is usable
  • In this process, we call partial or unstable versions beta
  • We consider beta to be inferior to the primary version
  • As it’s one gradation below primary, it’s one gradation below alpha
  • Alpha is the primary version
  • Why do we call pre-beta versions alpha versions?


Why not? Why even greek letters?

Because alpha versions come first?
Alpha = first; beta = second

EDIT: Almost handed over my head! There is a logical fallacy there, I can’t remember the name, brb.

EDIT2: Riven’s use of the word primary is an equivocation fallacy.

Inferring that
Beta < primary
Alpha = primary
therefore Beta < Alpha

Is not valid, as ‘primary’ has two meanings, ‘main’, and ‘first’, which are not equivalent.

Because Latin > Greek. So Prime > Alpha (1st), Beta (2nd), etc…

Is there any sense in this discussion?

I didn’t understand it at first, and now that I do, I’m even more confused.

I’m pretty sure it’s just a random brain fart :wink:


I thought beta was final release version. I have 99% of all recently released games to prove it.

Is the last 1% the elusive gamma version releases? Those are the best.

My idea was that there was a few really polished indie games out there, but then I remembered Minecraft and got sad.

The Alpha version is the one with all the cool features everyone wants. This is the True Version of the software.

The Beta version is the same, but with half the cool new features descoped.

The GA version is the same, but all cool features have now been descoped.

lets use semantic versioning 8D

Wait what. ???

Shhh Riven shhh… don’t talk and you’ll be ok. You don’t want to piss off the wrong people by letting their little secret out!

I’ve been watching Prison Break, great show if you want to realize how screwed up a government can be.