Radeon 9000 crashes

I have IBM Thinkpad T40 which has ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 - AGP 4x as video card.

I got the attached error and the browser crashes even when I run the jogl applet test page. Is there any workaround for this? What are the other known problematic video cards?

Not sure if the problem is just the videocard; my work laptop also has an ATI Mobility Radeon 9000, and it’s been running my JOGL apps just fine. You said your browser crashed, so I take it you’re trying to view one of the JOGL demos on the JOGL page? Which one?

It was this https://jogl-demos.dev.java.net/applettest.html, also all the other webstart jogl applications crashed with the same error.

The problem may also be caused by the JRE I am using.
Java Plug-in 1.6.0_01
Using JRE version 1.6.0_01 Java HotSpot™ Client VM

I tried IE 7, Firefox and Opera and the result is all the same.

It looks like OpenGL support is pretty broken in whatever version of ATI’s drivers you’re running. SetPixelFormat is very basic functionality. Look on either IBM’s or ATI’s web sites for a more recent driver version that will work with your chipset. If you can’t find one because they don’t release them for mobile chipsets, go to Guru3D.com or some related web sites and see if you can find a modified installer which will put the latest drivers on your machine.

Thanks again Ken.

Simply updating the driver resolved the issue.