Quick Pack

Here is other entry I have been working,

Is called Quick Pack, and the goal of the game is to pack objects in boxes.

Go against the clock trying to complete the puzzles scoring based on the time left after each level.

Executable jar (OLD)

[url=http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~rcarvall/juegos/j4k/2009/Packer.php]Web Start/url
[url=http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~rcarvall/juegos/j4k/2009/QuickPack.jar]Executable jar/url

Once an object is dropped, it cannot be recovered, you must restart the box. I still haven’t put an undo or restart option in the game.

Controls are:

Left, Right: select object
Q: rotate in Z
W: rotate in X
E: rotate in Y
R: move in X
T: move in Y
Y: drop object

PageUp-PageDown: Select object
Q/A: rotate in Z
W/Z: rotate in X
E: rotate in Y
Left-Right: move in X
Up-Down: move in Y
Space: drop object

R: restart box

Also works in AZERTY keyboards!!

Feedback, critics, comments and bug reports are welcome!!

I like the graphics and its interesting to play although there doesn’t seem to be much progression. The controls are a bit difficult also - could you somehow add mouse controls?

New version released, passing from tech demo to game.

The firs post shows all the changes.

Now the game has increasing level of difficulty in each stage.

The keyboard control has been remaped, tell me how goes now. About the mouse support, I don’t know how to map all the actions into the mouse, if someone finds a way that could be implemented…