
Hello, First sorry for my bad English i am don’t speak with English.
Ok… I have question for 2D Java multiplayer game. ( Web Browser )
How much (dollars) make/create simple 2D java multiplayer game ? only simple server and client.
Something like:

( Graphics from Bunny Press game (,20312.0.html )

Thanks for your reply!

How much would you need to pay someone to do that for you?

You could get it for free if you use open source stuff and then edit it. There are lots of examples in this forum.

Find the fail. :frowning:

But how much something like ? ~

Almost $0 I’m afraid.

Cas :slight_smile:

Seems to me that this is a repeat question (in various forms) on this forum.

It might be useful to answer this in a FAQ? In any case, I would refer people wondering about how much money they can make to Jeff Tunnell’s blog post on the subject and this excellent GameSetWatch article.

I like Jeff Tunnell’s answer best, though:


maybe we should provide links like…

it is not profitable

What’s that crappy MMORPG that has graphics like that and its huge?
Basically if you going to have low graphics then you need a lot of features/quests/story to make up for it.

(partly) agreed. You need features to entice people in and keep then there, but there is no reason why lots of people won’t be willing to play a small MMO with simple graphics, as long as it’s fun, addtictive and they know it exists. I used to play heavy amounts of Inselkmapf, a browser based game with barely any graphics. It was small and simple but I found it very emmersive.