Putty Shuffle

Had another play on it this evening. :wink: The presentation really helps, it doesnā€™t feel like a normal 4k game.

The level design is pretty good too. I keep on finding new ways to do solve them -

Level 5 in 6 moves. ::slight_smile:
Level 11 in 15 moves.
Level 13 in 20 moves.
Level 15 in 22 moves.

Edit: one small bug I suppose. If you try to drag a block in a direction that it canā€™t go, it still counts as a move.

Thats not a bug, thats a feature! :slight_smile:

Seriously, thanks for all the playing. Iā€™ve added a digg link if anyone can be convinced to digg it. Also fixed another bug that no one found yet :slight_smile:

Iā€™m finding myself playing the game more now because I want to find the solutions you lot have. Itā€™s actually really pleasent to play your own game when itā€™s a challenge.

Thanks again!


Thereā€™s another minor bug. After you complete a level it still shows the ā€œRestartā€ button, but all clicks take you back to the level selection menu.

Oh, and level 5 can be done in 6 moves! ;D

And level 16 in 22.

Edit: Argh, should read the thread first. :frowning:

Level 16 can be done in 12 it seems! :slight_smile:


For anyone interested, I ported putty shuffle onto Android. Bit of a blog about it:

Coke and Code - Revisiting Google Android

The APK is available on request if you own a google phone. I might consider tarting it up and putting it on market, hence not posting it directly.


Hi Kev,

Great Blog. I was thinking about porting my World Rally Driver 4K game to Android, so I did some performance tests. I rotated and drew a 2000x2000 bitmap. It jumped around between 18 and 26 fps on the Emulator (v1.1r1). Your blog pointed out that the Emulator was about 5 times slower on your PC, Iā€™m running the emulator on a Vista Laptop Core Duo 2GHz. I canā€™t imagine the phone would be able to rotate and render a 2000x2000 bitmap at around 100fps (I donā€™t really want to shell out $AUD900 for the phone just yet, and donā€™t know anyone with one. ::)). Did you ever find out what the bottleneck was for Putty Shuffle on the emulator?


EDIT: Just realised I was doing something silly in my test code, now fixed it and get between 27 and 40 fps on the Emulator!

I think itā€™s the actual drawing calls for primitives, drawlines etc. Probably blitting images both emulator and handset are going to be fine since it looks like the Canvas rendering API is based ontop of ES which is pretty hot at spitting textures to the screen :slight_smile:


Ah, yes. Just did a test on getRGB / setRGB to getPixel / setPixel. In Java my test ran for about 4 seconds. In Android it took over 3 mins!!! :o

Yeah, if itā€™s like desktop GL drivers it also wonā€™t be good at drawing lines (inconsistent and slow) and drawing ovals will be slightly painful. Itā€™s actually a pretty similar set of constraints as Iā€™m working with in Slick most of the time.


Kev, you donā€™t seem to have updated the par scores in the version currently accessible from java4k.com.

Aye, and donā€™t want to update now and get accused of cheating :slight_smile:


Youā€™re hiding something then!!,

Cheat!! :slight_smile:
