Putty Puzzle is my current project, it’s a simple puzzler with a slightly odd mechanic. There’s an in game tutorial which should help you play. You mostly have to move the putty around the level to reach the goal(s) by merge, morphing and splitting it.
Applet is here:
Webstart is here:
LWJGL Applet (watch out, may still have some issues which can kill browsers) is here:
Known issues:
- The game is no where near finished, lots of missing features and I’m sure plenty of bugs
- Typos galore
- In the applet game state is stored in cookies - so they can get wiped with browsers clear outs etc.
- Sound/Music mail fail on some systems, please post if you see this.
Theres a built in level editor which Morre has used to create a couple of the levels you’ll see in game. If you feel like sharing any levels you’ve created (or use to show bugs :)) the saved levels can be found in your home directory in a sub directory called “.putty” (home on windows = c:\documents and settings<username>)
Any feedback appreciated, at this stage especially bugs and platform specific issues. Game play and feature ideas also appreciated. I’m afraid some of the levels are very difficult at the moment so any ideas for making things easier for the player at the start (other than creating some easier levels) would be great.
Thanks in advance,