Public Minecraft Server

Portforwarding finally worked so I decided to make a minecraft server, for anyone who wants to join:
For 1.7.9


What version?

I logged in with whatever the latest version is (1.7.9?)

Sorry, Its updated now :stuck_out_tongue:

Even though we are not in a Minecraft-Forum, it would be nice if you add to your main-post why you set up this server, what the concept is, a screenshot of the spawn if possible, etc.etc.

Also, why did you post this in General-Discussion?

  • Longor1996

Seems to be in Misc now where it probably actually belongs.

I shut it down for the night, back up again. Now with multiverse! Everyone gets their own realm! (Kinda)

I might join. Maybe.

Can you add support for 1.7.5 ? I had to switch to another computer to play.

Just to note, I can’t connect. :confused:

  • Jev

Yeah, its been shut down for a while. I’ll open it back up when I have time.

And when I do I’ll post it here, just check the unread topics if it updates :point: .

The server is up again for anyone to join.

Just opened up again, same ip.