Proxy - A game about programming

Hey everyone!

I wanted to give you all an update on my little passion project I’ve been working on for the past few months.

I guess I’ll start with the general concept. You essentially play as a programmer in a robot apocalypse. Humanity is dying and robots are coming to get you. But you have a way of staying safe, your robot. Which is an utterly fantastic idea isn’t it?

You can program the robot and modify it’s parts to gain different stats (we all secretly want our robots to be personalised anyway). Along the way you can hack and meet new people who will each have their own unique story.

You can find a walk through of the game here (

New menu! :slight_smile:

Very interesting!

What’s that outlining technique called? I’ve being planning on implementing something like that, eventually. Yours looks like what I am going for.

Ah the technique you’re referring to is feature edge detection. There are quite a few ways to go about it so I’m not sure my explanation will help you much. I use the fixed function pipeline for this game (was easier for me to jump right into than using shaders) so I pull it off by rendering the polygon mode of GL_BACK with lines that are thicker and the color is obviously set to black. What’s nice is I’m only rendering the models once so there isn’t really a difference in performance from this.

KudoDEV: You could achieve the same effect using the stencil buffer. has a tutorial on this.

I like the art displayed. Very cool looking somehow for something very low-detail.

So I’m working on a new feature. Not really sure how it’s going to flesh out but I’m adding mining! Your robot will have to defend you as you mine minerals which you can then use in some fashion to create parts for your robot :slight_smile:

I’ve posted a video to Youtube giving a more in depth description of what proxy is about - 700 views in 3 days (I’m very much excited about that)

First off, this is a cool looking game. But there’s one thing about this that’s bothering me.

The art style for your logo and the actual game’s art are very far apart.

When I first saw the logo after clicking on this post, I thought “Damn, this looks really well-made and cool,” because the art style of the logo appeals to me. But when I scrolled down for actual screenshots of the game, I was surprised to see something that looked like it was made in a completely different art style. I’ll use your own screenshots to prove it.

I mean this in the best way possible, and I’m guilty of this myself, but it looks like you drew this in MS Paint in about 5 minutes.

Not saying that there’s anything wrong with that, but that’s miles away from your epic looking logo

That’s what initially caught my attention, and to see a totally different art style in the game makes me less excited to play.

I wouldn’t have a problem with this if the whole game was one art style or the other.

If the internet has taught me anything it’s that I’m not the only person to think this, so you’re probably turning off more people than just me with this, in a way, false advertising.

Just some things to keep in mind.

  • DarkCart

I think it’s best to never judge a game in development by it’s current graphics unless stated to be near completion :slight_smile:

Take for instance how the graphics how improved with a more recent screenshot

The water looks really cool :o A really huge improvement compared to the other screenshots. Well done!

@Springrbua thank you!

The game now has terrain and I think it has greatly helped make the world feel more alive

I really like the bright green palette. The terrain is very nice. It will be interesting to see how it looks as the character moves. From the screenshot it’s hard to tell what the perspective is and how the shadows will behave. Nice job!

Greatly appreciated! I’ll hopefully record a video soon when I am by my desktop again. My laptop unfortunately can’t play and record the game at the same time.

In more news, I’ve now added wandering traders to the game:

I’ve also made a facebook page for it which you can find here:

If posting facebook pages is against the rules please let me know and I’ll remove the link :slight_smile: