Proper Terrain heightmap scale etc

I need consistent 512x512 textures to match and look like 512x512 textures to play models.
i have been experimenting with grayscale images as heightmaps. Yet, im trying to get the right size to go along with the water.
and is scalling too much bad? i need a huge islands with water. ive tried 256x256, and then i scale it a lot, but then the water looks too small, and the textures are too large for up-close games.

I would recommend going to the jME forum as only a VERY small number of the jME community hang out here.

oh, ok, i already did basically post the same question there before i posted this one, just everthing feel so “slow” at replies.

Slow on the jME forum? I find that hard to imagine. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can barely keep up with all the posts so perhaps it got lost in the shuffle, if you don’t hear anything for a while you can always bump it.

its alright, i pretty much figured it all out, pretty much rendering less triangles is better, so expanding the terrain is faster, so the farplane will render less triangles. large 513x513 maps are for giantormus environemnts.