Project Proposal: Human

Cast your vote for the following project:

[quote]Project Name: Human

Project Summary:

We want to make an Plugin based multiplayer Game, where anyone who wants can do it´s own Object, Buildings, etc. A multiplayer realtime Game, where you control some Human like Creature and handle with Objects and Buildings.In 2D. The Multiplayer system uses an gzip-compressed self made Message system. including an ping every x minutes. The program uses as configfile an xml-file none validating. The Plugins like Buildings, Items, Living Object, etc. will be sub classes of an special class for each thing. The Server will keep of an list of user, which can automatic created or not. The password will be saved as SHA-1 Hash.
All “No” responses must be accompanied by an explanation to give the project owner an opportunity to respond and make changes.

Not enough detail in the summary, whats the point of the game? What makes it unique? What parts does it contribute to the community? Whats the game?


sounds like a good idea to me, like a virtual universe with custom created content.
Only problem is that it will require very motivated community and also good servers capable to run h24.

In the first versions there is no 3D world planned so it the server neednt to be very good. I have an friend who has an server. The game will only contain some core objects(Building, Items, Creatures, etc.). Then if someone wants an objects he programms it, and share it with other players.

I’m voting “no” because I’ve had many such proposals cross my desk in the last few years and despite being much, much more detailed and thought-out none of them ever got anywhere because it’s far too huge a thing to go anywhere with.

the skill in game design is deciding what not to do; deciding what to do is easy, but means you’ll never actually produce anything worthwhile.

Shrug. MHO.

Hey I found an game that has the same game idea as my., there seems also to be an Fanproject or like that
EDIT://I want to share the objects like that

Could the OP post a more detailed project description.

I feel that all game ideas should come with at lest a Game Design Doc, pref. with level seeds for at lest the first two levels.
Some light reading for the OP:

Given the very open ended nature of the game as described thus far, I also feel a start on the Technical Design Document would be required.

Levels? no Levels I use Scenarios, which also can be created by gamers.
I also extended the Desc.

Sorry, the post was a cut&paste job, but I would still like to see
a) A somewhat complete GDD
b) A started TDD.

I don’t think having uncompleted games on helps the community (which is what I believe the cvs is for). Writing the GDD & TDD will help you gain an idea of the scale of the project you are suggesting, and show that you are dedicated enough to complete the project.

Mike (evil)

I played the game clonk, after i found it. It should be like that.
But: Objects in Java, game in Java, later in 3d
I can write an GDD but not in English cause my English is not good enough.
what exactly is in the TDD? whats a part of it?
is it like passwords will be hashed with SHA-1?
@Athomas Goldberg I updated the desc or nedd i to post it here

Technical Design Document..

there i need to register. couldnt you say me simply what to put in?
EDIT: dammed thing. How long will this poll take?

I apologize for the dealy. With GDC and follow-up travelling, I have been away from the forums for thte last two weeks. I have updated the description, though I think the concerns mentioned above will need to be more fully addressed.

Sorry, but for now I still don’t clearly understand what is this project and how it will help the community.

I first voted “abstain”, but I realized that if nobody understand what it is, nobody will use it, so I voted No.

To know that something will be encoded with SHA-1 doesn’t help in the description, the essential of the explanations is missing.

It will work st. like that:
1)so. will start the server and do some serverconfigs(level, items, plans(for buildings, items, …), startbuildings, terrain(where to play), …
2)Player will start there client and logon to the server
3)the Gamemaster(who is sitting behind the server) will start the game
4)the Players will dig for Rock, Gold, … and build mines or whatever to reach the goal, which can be Sell all Gold, kill all Monsters
better description?

I fully agree what mlk is saying. However before asking someone to do a design doc we should tell them first (eventualy with an example) what will be accepted as a design doc.