Project: fos3d looking for another prog/dev

JDK 1.4.1
LWGL: OpenGL binding
LWGL: OpenAL binding

-I’m not looking for Carmack here exactly, but it would be great if you’d have some OpenGL knowledge and at least programmers certificate(or qualifying) in Java.

-Also If you’d know basic principles of graphics programming and some understanding of OOD and stuff like that would be welcome. If you use copy/paste a lot please launch your self into space now!

Please give a little informations about yourself if interested.

I have domain and hosting for the project so the webspace won’t be a problem.

Now the details:
So far I have completed the terrain rendering, which I’m tweaking currently to make it look good. The engine can load bt files and also create random heightmaps, where the colors and texturing is really based on the heigh and not pre defined file.

These maps are stored in octree, which is then frustum culled.

Next is to implement: some sort of dynamic distance lod, which I have no idea of how it will work, but I believe it will work out as easily as things have worked out so far.

The final game is somewhat isometric action shooter with mech rolling around. You probably get the idea. Just like any other mech shooter.