The JWarrior project consists on a 2D Fighting engine that allows any player to create and share his own characters, stages and UI Layout. The JWarrior engine will be developed with the most advanced java API’s available for creating 2D games. Besides, this project shall increase the Java popularity and show how the Java platform could be used to create good and exciting games. Online multiplayer games are our future goal. Based on that, the game will contain a character editor, created to give users the power to create their own characters, abilities, moves, special moves, ending scenes, stages, and so on. With all those tools, the players can create a mix of their favorite characters to fight in the same game. We expect to develop tools to create all that the engine needs to be a complete game.
Definitely +1, I really love this sort of game and if you manage to make it multiplayer while still keeping it a responsive fighting game, I’ll be exceedingly impressed.
I definitely like fighting games (loves SFII)… I actually thought about making a multiplayer fighter myself… but a bit of investigation led me to draw the conclusion that just a tiny bit of latency would ruin the experience…
fighting games just need so much responsiveness to be fun… it might work in a small geographical area…
I’m a bit doubtful…
I think this is a really great idea!! Ok, now to show my noobie! Once these projects get approved, how does one go about signing up to contribute to them?
you’ll simply have to go to
so in this case simply go then to
The project sounds cool, if it is doable - so worth a try
Ahhh, thank you! ;D
But hey… of course it would be great with a good fighter game in java… (with or without multiplayer)… and the idea sounds really fun…
I think we reached a point here where we shout “+1” if something sounds cool and trendy.
Really, how can this be a serious community project? From the description I read that not much is actually in place, everything is in planning-stage, and we all know that’s nothing compared to the real task. I truly have no doubt that once (if ever) this project is approved, it quickly dies and gets abandoned.
Projects only have a chance when there is a rough base, to build on. When there is no initial structure whatsoever there will be much debate among contributors, about which way to go.
I, for one, can’t see how this project would ever succeed. When I read comments like: “Java needs this”, “sounds cool”, I really think you should reread the proposal and see what’s actually inthere. “We have nothing, and we will build everything needed”. Nothing reusable, all components aimed at this particular game-style, what’s inthere for the community?
Therefor, and I hope I don’t crush somebodies dreams:
I’ve brought this up before, there’s no concept of what makes a “community project” and what doesn’t. So, its come down to literrally that… what do people think is cool or not.
With no real limitations/direction the voting process is basically going to come down to this.
Well, if it’s supposed to be a community-project, one would expect a considerable part of the community had to vote on it before it would be accepted.
Raising the bar a bit, to like 5, 8 or even 10 “+1” votes, would show the community thinks it’s worthwhile, not just 3 people.
I think that would be pretty fair.
I suggest you bring the topic up with the JGO baord (satrting a discussion in the community thread might be a gfood start.)
I am purely administratoir in this. I do as the community directs me,
That would be different, but not really any different. Votes would still just be based on whats “cool”.
Only if everybody voted like you do. I’m not trying to say your style of voting is wrong here, it’s just your style and you shouldn’t expect everybody to vote only because of the “cool-factor”. The more voters you have, the higher the chance they will vote in the spirit of this proposals: “does this benefit the community”, hence I strongly disagree that the increased vote-threshold would show the current ‘skewed’ results.
For a perfect example see the java-networking proposal. People didn’t vote for the cool-factor, but because they truly believed in the benefit of having that API.
Hi, im the project leader and i´d like to say that the project is in early stages, yes, but we are already implementing it, im responsible for the renderer and i have done tests using Swing(BufferStrategy) and JOGL. Other members have already started to implement sound, input, and so on. But we are doing that without a CVS, and the more close the code must be more is the need of a cvs.
Like other projects here, i think this project could be exemple for using various APIs, just like JOGL, JavaSound, Jinput, JAI.
And another last thing, all the members are very interested in the project and most important, with commitment.
Thats my vision.
But thats exactly my point - there is no “spirit of this proposals”. I’ve started threads on it before, there is no consistent theme over what “benefits” the community and what doesn’t. Personally, I look at each project in turn and consider what good and bad points it has. In this case the good points “its cool, imo” - bad points - well it doesn’t fit some idealistic view about whats “good for the community”
Thats just pure assumption. People may have voted on what they needed not what the community need. They have voted because they just felt that way that day. Even more to the point if the voters really wanted to know whether java-networking proposal was going to be good for the community they would have been asking questions like DPs recent question - what qualifications do you have for architecting and developing this API? I’m not saying the author doesn’t, but I also didn’t see anyone asking.
The point is what we need is some idea what makes a “valid community project” and what doesn’t. It can’t just be “if its a benefit to the community” since thats entirely subjective.
Okay, points taken. I’m not all that convinced, but let’s put it to rest.
We should work on the definitions though… in general a game won’t benefit the community.
The created APIs (the spin off) might. Good luck!
Okay, I think this is a yes because RIven seems satisfied to the answeer to his question.
SO I’m going to go ahead and promote this.
(FWIW btw I personally think a game that is open source,if it is done well, has a lot of value to the community in terms of example code. 'course I believe as a matter of faith that you can never have too much example code.)