Programmer looking to contribute.


I am a Java Programmer/Automated Test developer/QA. I love gaming and I want help and contribute to a project in order to build portfolio and experience. Please consider that I will not be able to devote 40h/week and have next to none experience with game development, but I do have the following:

  • eye to detail
  • Java experience
  • Spring applications
  • automated testing experience
  • Selenium
  • drive for quality.

Not asking for money (but if you’re offering, hey…). Main goal here is to learn.
Please post here or PM if you are looking for collaborators.

Ever heard of Kotlin? Do you like it?

I am totally open to contributors for different projects (here and here)

@elect, those are cool projects. My game is written in Kotlin but currently just uses Java2D to render. I’m interested in switching to OpenGL, do you think I should try using one of or On a related note, I can’t figure out the difference between the two. Like, that’s how little I know about graphics :stuck_out_tongue: They both seem to be graphics libraries written by you.


Ok so, gln is basically a pure wrapper around OpenGL aimed to improve the dev experience by making gl code compact, easier (also allocation-wise) and type-safe (by converting those gl int constants into enums).

To show you a practical example, you can take a look at the different code snippets on the gli README

Instead allocating (and later freeing) native space for the texture, dealing with buffers and so on, you simply call [icode]initTexture2d[/icode] method accepting a lambda and there you retrieve the levels, the swizzles, allocate the storage and upload the i-th compressed image in just 4/5 rows, without boilerplate code.

Uno is more like a suite, born and shaped around GL, it includes the gln dependencies, such as unsigned support, glm and gli. Its main usage is basically as wrapper for the lwjgl glfw binding.

A kind of a gln for glfw. So, code more compact, clear and intuitive. You can have up and running a whole gl clear example in just 4/6 lines

Plus some other small utils like:

  • methods for allocating very easily many different type of buffers from a lot of different data type, such as different arrays and so on.
  • an cap class for a deep and complete resume about a machine opengl capabilities
  • matrixStack for glm
  • glsl utils (to refresh)
  • an experimental kotlin stlib on intBuffers. So that you can for example [icode]textureName.forEach(::glDestroyTexture)[/icode]
  • mousePole, an util for camera management
  • and attempt to port stb completely on jvm (unfinished)
  • timer util

And lately it also includes a counterpart of gln for vulkan, vkk, plus an util for making short-live allocations easy and free, appBuffer.

So, it depends what you need, but if you are planning to switch to gl and use glfw, you definitely may look into uno…

I know most of my READMEs suck, but I don’t have enough time for writing code, imagine updating wikis :smiley: