Since the vectorball idea died so quickly, I was pondering what I could do with the codebase. So I picked up another idea of mine, to make a sidescrolling shooter with all content procedurally generated. All images and sounds in the game will be created by the program itself, from random numbers and some graphics shuffling. And bits and bytes and magic. Or so ;D
At the moment I have a starfield sort of background, an untextured tunnel shape, and one way to create enemy ships. No collision detection yet, no scoring and no game … I’ll work on that someday soon. Also I want to more variance in enemy ship designs, and a tunnel rock texture, and decorations.
For a brief moment I thought it might be something for the Java4k contest, but the jar file is 17k if I strip the debug info, and have it compressed, that seems to be way too big to try and shrink it into 4k. So I’ll let that be, although I think that a shooter with procedural content generation might be a project candidate for the Java4k contest.
Download (22k):
You can move the ship, shoot (but not hit anything), explore the tunnel and watch random enemy designs. More to come …
Edit: use the cursor keys to move, ctrl to shoot. And yes it goes leftwards, there are enough rightwards scrolling shooters