Hi ho!
My english isn’t very well, so I hope there will be not to much (gramma) mistakes in the following question.
I want to show my X3D and VRML files with a Java(3D) Programm. Also, I want to manipulate my scenegraphs later with the programm.
To start I download the xj3d release 1.0 from http://www.xj3d.org/download.html and the latest Java Version 1.5.x. After that I download jogl from https://jogl.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=271&expandFolder=271&folderID=3414 and paste the jogl.jar to the jre1.5/lib/ext folder and the jogl.dll to jre1.5/bin.
After all of the that, I try to compile and excecute the following sample from xj3d.org http://www.xj3d.org/tutorials/examples/sai/SimpleSAIDemo.java But all my Eclipse says is:
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.java.games.jogl.GLCanvas.setAutoSwapBufferMode(Z)V
at org.j3d.aviatrix3d.surface.SimpleAWTSurface.(SimpleAWTSurface.java:98)
at org.web3d.ogl.browser.X3DBrowserJPanel.(X3DBrowserJPanel.java:399)
at org.web3d.ogl.browser.X3DOGLBrowserFactoryImpl.createComponent(X3DOGLBrowserFactoryImpl.java:338)
at org.web3d.x3d.sai.BrowserFactory.createX3DComponent(BrowserFactory.java:210)
at SimpleSAIDemo.(SimpleSAIDemo.java:38)
at SimpleSAIDemo.main(SimpleSAIDemo.java:64)
Where this the failure?
Thanks for help Ta-Re
(The Tutorial for the example is on http://www.xj3d.org/tutorials/general_sai.html#LoadFile )