Problem with JOAL

I use Joal for sound in my game. It works good on my PC, but when i start game on other computers I always has bug with sound stopping. For example helper npc tell something in the begin of the level. And when player click, dialog breakes and appear some sound.
But on another computers, helper stop talking, but new sound doesnt play. I have tried various openAl drivers but problem still the same.
To play all sounds i used one source, and change buffer of this this source when need to play next sound.

public void play(SoundObject sound) {
if (audioLoop != null) {


In this code used wraped OpenAl function, but i have realised this code directly using Joal function too. But nothing have changed.
May be i use wrong approach?Is better to create separate source on each sound?May be better to play every sound in new Thread, and stop them?I don’t understand why the same code works different on computers.Help me please. (Sorry, if I have some mistakes in my English)…
P.S If somebody used Java Media Framework tell me, its possible to use it in game without any installiation?

Problem is solved. The reason was in multithreading. Thread that inialize audio player not managed to load sound. And the thread in wich this player is using load more fast. The solution is to wait until player thread will be loaded.