Problem with JOAL on webstart on Windows 7 x86 / 64bit

A little bit of background
So… I finally after a couple of days of work got my JOAL audio system working.
I have been testing it multiple times from within my favorite text editor Textpad.
When i test it from within Textpad, i simply ask it to execute the command “cmd” with arguments “javaws TestLocalSigned.jnlp”.
I then decided to test it from windows directly. This didn’t work. I then started cmd manually and used the same command. Still no luck.

A bit of research showed (surprisingly) that my Textpad uses the jvm called:

Java Web Start 1.6.0_21\nUsing JRE version 1.6.0_21-b07 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM

Starting from windows gave the following info:

Java Web Start 1.6.0_20\nUsing JRE version 1.6.0_20-b02 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM

I am running this on the same machine using Window 7 64-bit version.

This would suggest that the problem is using JOAL with the 64-Bit Server VM.
In the jnlp i load JOAL using:

<extension name="joal" href="" />

So my question is, how do i get JOAL work on a wider array of systems than those using Textpad and an older JVM? :stuck_out_tongue:

Help… please ???

  • Scarzzurs

Right so,

It would appear that

  • There are no 64 bit libraries for JOAL
  • There is no way to force the javaws to use 32 bit version, on all systems (Windows in particular)

The -d32 jnlp jvm argument
The in-existence of 64 bit JOAL

If this information is right, it should perhaps be added to every possible JOAL FAQ as it makes JOAL useless for a lot of purposes.
I personally wouldn’t suggest to use JOAL, if it can’t run on 64 bit system (as more and more systems will become 64 bit in the future)

I was very sad to learn of this information as i will now have to go look for another alternative, something that might not even exist:,23014.msg190808.html#new

Sorry for making another post, but I felt it might be appropriate as new information have been brought to the table.

  • Scarzzurs

If you need you can have a look at LWJGL, it has a rock solid OpenAL binding that works on all the above mentioned architectures, its been well tested and is regularly updated.

JOAL is no more on

If you need 64 bits support for this API, speak about it to Mickael Bien on the jogamp forum:

There is a 64 bits support for Linux as far as I know. I don’t know if it is easy to do the same for Windows. JOAL is not dead.

Right. So I decided to give LWJGL a go. After all I’ve been blindly ignoring any suggestions towards it for years (aight, 1 year of java game programming i guess).
I must say the transition was smoooth, well appart from a yet to be explained bug(?) in the openal library. :slight_smile:

I still have some deployment issues I will have to look into, I may post about this later, but apart from that, I have sound on my window 7 64 system now! :smiley:
This positive experience may just be the one thing that will make dare convert my opengl rendering to LWJGL as well :slight_smile:

Thanks for the suggestion. I finally gave it a shot, partly due to your suggestion here :slight_smile:
Btw. are you by any change the Kap1 I spoke with on #LWJGL today? Your names, arguments and attitude seem familiar…

Thanks for the clarification and suggestion. :slight_smile:
It just seemed too much hassle in order to get audio, and besides LWJGL seemed to do the job.

  • Scarzzurs

yes that was me, I usually go by the name kappaOne on irc. Also we’ve spoken a few times before, namely on gamejolt.

Drop the issue on the LWJGL forums and i’m sure it’ll get fixed/addressed pretty quickly. (forums also act as a sort of bug tracker).


Sorry to refresh this old thread. JOAL works fine on 64 architectures. You can use the Release Candidate 2:

Michael used JOAL with OpenALSoft on Linux 64 bits and it worked correctly. Of course, Windows 64 bits is supported too.

To sum up, JOAL is alive and maintained. Best regards.

Good to hear it’s been brought up to date again. :slight_smile:
In my case it probably won’t do much difference though, as I’ve come to prefer LWJGL.

  • Scarzzurs

In my case, I start feeling ill at ease when I see that several threads in the JOAL section are used to promote its main competitor but you asked for another alternative, kappa answered you, you should have done that in a more general section. Best regards.