problem in array of objects

in my game i create an array of objects (one for npc one for static objects) when i load for example 5 npc’s in the array i can draw all of them in a loop like

for(int = i;i<npcarraay.length;i++){
     g.drawnpc(npcarray[i].getpos());//getpos is a function from the object npc to retrive the position i use setpos to set the position and the getpos returns an int[]

but when i try to fill the array the position from all npc objects in the array have the same position as the last npc i added here is the code for the npc class

import java.lang.*;

public class NPC implements Serializable, Runnable{
      Thread tProces = new Thread(this);
      protected int iLvl;
      public boolean death = false;
      protected String sName;
      protected int[] iPos;
      protected Boolean bSolid = true;
      public NPC(int _iLvl){
            sName = "";
            iPos = new int[]{0,0};
            iLvl = _iLvl;
      public NPC(String _sName, int _iLvl){
            sName = _sName;
            iPos = new int[]{0,0};
            iLvl = _iLvl;
      public NPC(int[] _iPos, int _iLvl){
            sName = "";
            iPos = _iPos;
            iLvl = _iLvl;
      public NPC(String _sName, int[] _iPos, int _iLvl){
            sName = _sName;
            iPos = _iPos;
            iLvl = _iLvl;
      public void run(){
                  try{Thread.sleep(1000);}catch(InterruptedException ie){}
      public String getName(){return sName;}
      public int[] getPos(){return iPos;}
      public Boolean isSolid(){return bSolid;}
      public void setName(String _sName){
            sName = _sName;
      public void setPos(int[] _iPos){
            iPos = _iPos;
      public void walkN(){
            for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
                  iPos[1] -=1;
                  try{Thread.sleep(100);}catch(InterruptedException ie){}
      public void walkO(){
            for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
                  iPos[0] +=1;
                  try{Thread.sleep(100);}catch(InterruptedException ie){}
      public void walkZ(){
            for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
                  iPos[1] +=1;
                  try{Thread.sleep(100);}catch(InterruptedException ie){}
      public void walkW(){
            for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
                  iPos[0] -=1;
                  try{Thread.sleep(100);}catch(InterruptedException ie){}
      public void Wander(){
            int calc = (int) (Math.random()*4)+1;
                  case 1:walkO();
                  case 2:walkW();
                  case 3:walkZ();
                  case 4:walkN();

I suspect its probably because of the way that you set your position

public void setPos(int[] _iPos)
  iPos = _iPos;

do you create a new int[] every time you set the position ?
you’re only passing in the reference to the position array from the calling method. Chances are you’re assigning them all to the same array reference and continually changing the values if (as I surmise) you’re creating your NPCs in a big loop somewhere in your intialisation/level loading code.


oke thanks stupid i didnt think of that earlier :-[