Print Screen and Windows 7

I notice that using the Print Screen button on my Windows 7 machine is producing a black screen capture every time when my game is running.

This worked just fine under XP (and Vista, too, I think).

My game is running under Exclusive Screen Mode using the DX9 pipeline.

I suppose that many people would say that this is low on the list of priorities. But some of my (hypothetical) users will expect to be able to take screen shots this way and right now they cannot.

It’s possible to do my own captures, and I have already coded this. But I notice that a KeyEvent with code VK_PRINTSCREEN seems to be given to the application on only KeyReleased(), not KeyPressed(). That is a change in the expected behavior. But it’s better than nothing.

Am I missing something?



I have a feeling this would get a faster reply on a DX message board rather than a java one as the bug seems to be with DX9 rather than with java.