Pre-WIP section

I sent this idea to Riven a little bit ago, and didn’t get a response, so I’ll post it here :slight_smile:

My suggestion is that a Pre-WIP section should be added to the JGO forums. a Pre-WIP section would be used to document progress (via pictures) of a game before it enters into its WIP stage (which should then provide a playable demo). It would help to organize which projects are done to a point where they can be played, and which are still small in scale, and not yet ready for testing.

If there is fear that the pre-WIP section might not be used, then we could always take the approach that the Game Maker Community uses. As you can see, in their WIP section, there is a stickied thread entitled “Previews of upcoming games”. In this thread, users are allotted one forum post to provide pictures/media and a description of their game. The thread is cleared at the start of every month.

I feel like this would be a useful addition to the JGO forums, as I myself have a couple projects that are not ready for public testing, but I still want a place to document my progress :slight_smile:

Thank you,

My idea was added :slight_smile: Thank you Riven.