Pox Nora, Dawn of Elements (8th expansion)

Hello Java game developers.

The 8th expansion of poxnora was released last month, and has been very well received. New spell, abilities, big updates on the website and a lot more. PoxNora is a java/webstart application which runs on JOGL, it is mainly a multi-player game but has a large single-player component as well. As always, the game is free to play so check it out if you have not had a chance yet.


I assume that you can use it under Linux like the previous extension but could you please add an explicit link to a version for Linux as you already do for Windows and Mac? The problem is that, the first time a Linux user sees your homepage, as he notices a link to a version for Windows and a link to a version for Mac, he may believe your game is not compatible with Linux. Then, only a few Linux users will test your game whereas maybe lots of them could be interested and Linux users who think your game doesn’t work on their OS won’t ask you to create a Linux version. Best regards and keep it up.

Do you still use JOGL?