Hi Im new to the site but I want to help as much as I can.
I know this is the “Shared code” section but I didn’t know where to put it.
Well, here it is: http://www.java-gaming.org/user-generated-content/members/238563/power-of-2-converter.jar
It is power of 2 conveter that I made. A lot of people (including myself) are having problems loading textures in LibGDX
because their graphics card doesn’t support OpenGL 2.0 and the images most have a power of 2 resolution.
The images go to a folder on your desktop called “Power of 2”. The program works very simple. It just adds translucent space at the right and bottom side of the image.
And the last thing you have to know is that the images most be in “PNG” format, otherwise it won’t work.
That’s it… Enjoy ;D