I’m the architect of Tacticat http://www.tacticat.com, a 2D sim for sailing races written in java.
The sim is a technical training tool, intended for racers training for the olympics, altough it has naturally evolved during a year to a full multi-user interactive game.
A server-client all-java, the servers today located in Dallas, London and Brisbane to cover sailors from all over the world. The client side a java application via webstart.
We have decided to go 3D. We want to keep all the communications layer, physics engine and rules engine (sailing rules i mean), and we have decided that today 2D clients will play concurrently wit the future 3D clients, in the same ‘universe’.
After studying the available possibilities we have decided to give Java 3D a try, the first proto seems OK. I’d like to know of other people having done something similar. The recommended NOT-TO-DO and the important things not to forget.
Any ideas, recommendations or whatever are welcome.
And if you like sailing you can try the sim (it is free of course).
Amando Estela