To all who read this thread ::::(());(o):::::
“the terrorists are coming to get you”
This ideology/religiosity has been destroying people’s lives around the world for many years, for example: nation/states surrounding India, many countries in Africa, middle east, etc.
They want Islamic Law to rule all lands. They claim it all of the time. LISTEN TO THEM!!!
“my opponent is a traitor”
…my question is, If there are valid reasons for this suspicion, then it might be true. To think of it, we’ve had lots of traitors in our history. Remember Alger Hiss, Benedict Arnold, Aldrich Ames, Sandy “socks” Berger?
“stem cell research kills babies”
GET THE FACTS PLEASE! I know someone who does research in this area at John Hopkins.
Understand this:
Embryonic stem cell research has taught us that it is NOT a good idea. If you insert into your body an unborn child’s (or whatever you want to call it) stem cells, and that little girl or boy was to grow up and have cancer at any point in life, BINGO!! YOU GET IT TOO!
Secondly, that is a life that had all the necessary biological configuration for being a person. Hey, if you condone this butchery, then you should not have shed a tear when you heard about the VA Tech kid going nutz with a pistol, he just performed some (um…) late-late-termed abortions.
Thirdly, adult stem cell research has yielded WONDERFUL results (without the overwhelming risk of cancer for the recipient). It has great promise.
“Social Security”
FOR those of you who know nothing about finances and investments, learn that it would be a
great opportunity if your social security portion of paycheck could be in an individual account. This isn’t “playing the stock market”. A highly diversified investment has proven to beat anything out there. Remember, IT’s YOUR MONEY!! YOU EARNED IT!!
“I’d prefer a candidate that would support those social programs”
Let’s be clear about this, this ought to say the following:
“I’d prefer a candidate that would make some people pay other people’s bills.” WHY, THIS IS STEALING!
And about this universal $h*%, all i hear about from guys from the UK who i play against on XBox live is how their medical system SUCKS!. Can’t see a doctor when your sick. FORGET THAT!! Why not let the free market place fix the problems, it has worked every time it’s tried. You screw with freedom and liberty and everyone gets screwed. Remember when the flu shots were in scarce supply a few years back??? Want to know why? Some 4 out of 5 US pharm businesses shut down operations after Bill Clinton fixed the price of vaccines. Why? It’s because they couldn’t turn a profit.
“Department of Education”
The problem with ejumacation is in the larger establishments who are players on all levels. I spoke to a principle of a high school and asked what her biggest problem was. Answer: can’t fire bad teachers. WHY are schools supposed to be exempt from performance reviews. I mean heck, we elect a new president every 4 years, reps every 2, companies can can a ceo before dawn, etc. The teacher lectures from a podium, not a thrown. Who stops things from getting better? NEA (I saw their leader on cspan and boy did he not like the idea of performance reviews for teachers) Unions are good in theory, but bad in practice.
A dose of reality can taste like robitussin. It will make you better, but, yeah, it tastes bad.