Playing the Gears.jnlp example on the CentOS Linux OS

The Gears.jnlp example works fine on my CentOS Linux box. I would assume because this works, JOGL should work on my Linux box as well. The Linux distributions made with SimpleJOGL doesn’t run. This is that starter project when you create a new JOGL app and all you see is a triangle and a square.

So why would Gears.jnlp work but not the SimpleJOGL app?

The SimpleJOGL project template from the NB GL Pack? Difficult to say, maybe something went wrong with the ant script or module installer which tries to deploy jogl in a platform agnostic manner.

could you provide more information?
-exceptions or error messages
-what happens when you start the capabilities util (Tools->Capabilities viewer)?
-version of the GL Pack, NetBeans Version

I am quite busy right now (exams…again…), could take some time till i responde

When I try to run any of the Linux distributions, nothing happens.

On my Windows machine, I have NetBeans 6.7 and OpenGL Pack_0.5.5.

I’ll try setting up the development environment on my Linux box and debugging the issue directly. See if I get some feedback from running the SimpleJOGL in the IDE.

my bad… it works fine. My Linux noobness is showing. I’m trying to execute the jar file by double-clicking on it.

I keep forgetting Linux is just gui enough to make you forget that you just can’t double-click on stuff and expect it to run.

I’m so ashamed. I can run it from the IDE but haven’t figured out how to make it run otherwise.

no problem :wink:

the easiest way to deploy a java application is via webstart (the .jnlp file you used to start the Gears example). Just enable webstart support in the project properties of the jogl project and do a clean-build and you should find a generated jnlp in the project’s dist folder - ready for local testing.

if you don’t like applets or webstart take a look at installers like or write a start script for each platform :wink: (java -jar -Djava.library.path=“libfolder” myjar.jar).