PlAr, is a 2D Multiplayer Shooting Game

The project home is

I have make a 2D platform arena in the style of old arcade games.
It is a multi player game so you have to start the server and then the clients have to connect to it.

Before you start:

  • This is an experimental version so the game is not very “nice” and I’ve made the sprites with paint :slight_smile:
  • the GUI was coded really faster only to show you a demo! If someone will like it, I will continue!
  • is better you run the game by the command line or program can’t find the path of resources (it happens…)
  • It’s made with JBox2D
  • to run the server: java -jar plarServer.jar
  • to run the client java -jar plarClient.jar

Hey cool, I like this style of game, I think it has a lot of potential.

Can you include a JNLP or Applet for us to run? You’ll find most users here are very against building other peoples’ games themselves or running JAR files.

Oh I will make this JNLP (don’t fully understand what is it :slight_smile: with the next release
(high sea…waiting for a stable release of JBox2D)
I’m searching for cool developers too that would make a GUI!

I actually prefer this to using JNLP/Applet.

Really? You’re in the minority, I think. I want to open up a game, play it, then be done. Barrier to entry should be 10 seconds.