
A while back I started building a system called Planetation for creating 2D tile map based games in java. I have finally started working on it again trying to get to a 1.0 release because I have several game ideas I would like to implement using the system.

I’m not really looking for any help on the project just some input. The map editor is almost finished. It uses objects called MapTerrainIcon’s. These icons have a set of flags that can be turned on or off. I have a “standard” set of flags and I’m going to add a large number of “custom” flags that don’t have a predefined meaning becuase I can’t think of everything someone might want. Below are the current set of “standard” flags and I was wondering if poeple might have ideas for others that should be included in the standard set.

Map Editor:

BTW it handles both isometric and square grid maps.

 * The FLAG_XXXX constants define the number of bits
 * to left shift a value of 1 to get it to the position
 * in the flags bit field.
     * Can a character in the world walk onto this type of terrain.
    public static final int FLAG_WALKABLE = 0;

     * Can a projectile pass through this type of terrain.
    public static final int FLAG_PROJECTILE_WALKABLE = 1;

     * Should this type of terrain be drawn over the player.
     * This allows things like a player standing under a doorway.
    public static final int FLAG_OVER_PLAYER = 2;

     * Can multiple objects be dropped on this type of terrain.
    public static final int FLAG_MULT_OBJECTS = 3;

     * can multiple characters be on this type of terrain.
    public static final int FLAG_MULT_CHARACTERS = 4;

     * No objects can be dropped on this type of terrain.
    public static final int FLAG_NO_OBJECTS = 5;

     * This type of terrain causes a transportation of the player
     * to another map location.
    public static final int FLAG_TRANSPORT = 6;
     * If true the image is in it own file, not stored in a combined
     * tile image. If false then the image coordinates are used to
     * extract it from a larger image.
    public static final int FLAG_HASOWNIMAGE = 7;

I’ve put up a new version of the Map Editor and the rest of the classes in the system.

There are several examples that can be executed by the batch files in the bin directory. These are not limited to the map editor but also include the use of menus, sprites, windowing, etc.

Also the javadocs are now online:

The new version of the MapDisplayExample has an issue with being in a jar. Extract the package into a classes directory and then change the batch file to have the classes directory in the class path. I’ll work this issue out tomorrow.

The latest and greatest version of the planetation system is up on my site under the Libraries section. I’ve also added phpBB based forum software to the site where we can disscuss any problems people may have using it.

New release 1.1 is now up on the site.

My wbe site layout sucked so I’ve re-done the whole thing. The links to the Planetation library in these forums are now unusable. Just go to the site and look under libraries.

A user of the library found a bug with the examples. The MapDisplayExample still wasn’t working unless you unpacked the planetation_examples.jar file. This turned out to be a bug in the library. A fix has been uploaded to the site.