PJGames Project Disapproved

The following project has been disapproved:


The purpose is to teach and train people to develop games and maybe other aplications using J2ME technology. The development is managed by a experienced j2me game developer from PortalJava community. Some members of community are selected to be challenged to develop games using java 2 micro edition. Many of them has never developed something with J2ME, so the purpose is to make them search for the cutting edge technolgy on game development with J2ME and an intention of follow the technology growing and form people specialized in J2ME, mainly on game development.


There are some goals. The first goal is to develop a first game, aren´t expected a professional game, but the objective is of putting them (developers) in the world of J2ME game development. After the first goal, we intend to begin developing some kind of API´s for game development. These API´s should make the developing process faster and easier. A result of reaching those goals is the growing of community knowledgement on the J2ME technology, consequently the growing of the technology market in Brazil.

Just wondering what this would have to do with " the growing of the technology market in Brazil"?