Pixelmins 4K

ok, didn’t get much time to produce more games… I was studing for a java certification and my job is consuming almost all my time.

take a look at the game I’m doing for J4K 2007:


I’m still working on it… yes I know the deadline is tomorrow… :o but I need to add some more interesting levels to it.

There is also a level editor for it… still WIP too… but is already functional… it is missing only some rules like: you cannot add more than one starting point and end point because the game is not prepared for that scenario. Anyway if you wanna see it:


Please add some comments.


start the game - left mouse button.
restart current level - right mouse button.
put blocks and ladders - left mouse button.

It said “click to start”, I clicked, and it didn’t start.

Crashed my computer and forcing a reboot in the middle of a rather time-consuming process :confused:
WinXP Pro SP2, Core 2 Duo.

oh…that’s weird!!! Although I’m still working on it… it should not crash your computer… hey really sorry for that! I have it running just fine on a Linux Slackware 10.2 2.4 Ghz Celeron…

does it generate any error message to you?

Also you should click left button to start and right button to restart the level… very strange… does anyone else got the same problem…?

I have uploaded current source code if anyone is interested on seeing it… :


I have added a Thread.sleep(10); to avoid crashing… hope it helps…

Same goes here, so maybe its helping :wink:

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at Z.(Unknown Source)
at Z.main(Unknown Source)

ok now it should fixed… I was using FileInputStream to load my level file… but it was not able to read inside the JAR so I had to chane to getResourceAsStream. :-[

Please try now.

ok I think I got a final version now. It has only 1 level… due to 4096 bytes limit but is playable. Enjoy! :wink:

Awesome!! It’s a pitty you only have one level :’(