Here is a class I made many many moons ago. No promises here, but you can at least check out the collision method, as it’s simple.
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Iterator;
* The Physical is the superclass for all objects that appear within
* the level, including all Players, Explosions, and Spells.
* Physicals have a current direction of force that determines the
* direction and velocity it moves. Physicals also have a mass which
* affects this as well, and if a mass is zero no force affects them.
* @author eli
public abstract class Physical implements
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/** Variables used to determine collision and location, x+y are top left corner*/
protected float x, y, width, height;
/** The current force of this physical, it determines
* how the physical is moving at the end of the timestep. */
protected Vector force;
/** The mass of this physical, changes overall speed */
protected float mass;
public Physical()
x = y = width = height = mass = 0.0f;
force = new Vector(0,0);
public Physical(float newX, float newY, float w, float h, Vector f, float m)
x = newX;
y = newY;
width = w;
height = h;
force = f;
mass = m;
public Vector position()
return new Vector(x,y);
public Vector force()
return force;
public float mass()
return mass;
public BufferedImage bounds()
BufferedImage b = new BufferedImage((int)width,(int)height,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g = b.createGraphics();
return b;
/** Applies a force to this physical, useful for bounces,
* deflections, and the like. Offsets the force already existing.
* @param v The Vector force to apply
public void applyForce(Vector v)
force.x += v.x;
force.y += v.y;
/** Applies a force to this physical that is exactly its
* opposite, thereby making it negative. Useful for ground and
* anything else that may deflect a Physical entirely.
public void applyOppositeForce()
force.x *= -1;
force.y *= -1;
/** Applies an opposite force to the current one while
* also multiplying it by a certain factor. This is
* called by the Ground when it deflects a Physical.
public void applyForceFactor(float factor)
force.x *= -factor;
force.y *= -factor;
/** Manually set the force to this value. Can be useful for
* some spells with fixed effects or targets that should not
* be affected by the Ground and Arena.
* @param v The Vector to set the force to
public void setForce(Vector v)
force = v;
/** Change the mass of this physical to this value. Can be
* useful for explosions and other effects that need changing mass.
* @param m The float value to change the mass to.
public void setMass(float m)
mass = m;
* Move the location of this Physical as is appropriate
* with its current force. Also contains logic to see
* what is should do about level boundaries.
public void move()
x += force.x;
y += force.y;
//If below the bottom of the screen
if (y+height/2 >= Global.SCREEN_SIZE.height)
y = -height/2;
//If above the top of the screen
else if (y+height/2 <= 0)
if (!Global.OPEN_CEILING)
force.y *= -1;
//If past the left or right side of the screen
if (x+width/2 >= Global.SCREEN_SIZE.width || x-width/2 <= 0)
if (x-width/2 <= 0)
x = Global.SCREEN_SIZE.width+width/2-1;
x = -width/2+1;
force.x *= -1;
/** Change the location of this Physical manually.
* @param newX The new x location of the top left corner
* @param newY The new y location of the top left corner
public void move(float newX, float newY)
x = newX;
y = newY;
* Directly move the location of this Physical manually.
* @param deltaX The change in x to move
* @param deltaY The change in y to move
public void moveTo(float deltaX, float deltaY)
x += deltaX;
y += deltaY;
* Resize this Physical, can be useful for some spells
* and for explosions.
* @param w The new width
* @param h The new height
public void resize(int w, int h)
width = w;
height = h;
public java.awt.Point collided(Physical p)
int[] size = new int[4];
BufferedImage b = p.bounds(); Vector o = p.position();
//If hitTest rectangles intersect, check for pixel-by-pixel collision
Rectangle r = new Rectangle((int)o.x,(int)o.y,(int)o.x+b.getWidth(),(int)o.y+b.getHeight());
if (r.intersects(new Rectangle((int)x,(int)y,(int)width,(int)height)))
//Cycle through all pixels within the colliding physical
if (b.getWidth()*b.getHeight() < width*height)
return collisionHelper(b,p.position(),bounds(),new Vector(x,y),size);
return collisionHelper(bounds(),new Vector(x,y),b,p.position(),size);
catch (Exception e) {}
return null;
public java.awt.Point collided(BufferedImage b, Vector o)
int[] size = new int[4];
//If hitTest rectangles intersect, check for pixel-by-pixel collision
Rectangle r = new Rectangle((int)o.x,(int)o.y,(int)o.x+b.getWidth(),(int)o.y+b.getHeight());
if (r.intersects(new Rectangle((int)x,(int)y,(int)width,(int)height)))
//Cycle through all pixels within the colliding physical
if (b.getWidth()*b.getHeight() < width*height)
return collisionHelper(b,o,bounds(),new Vector(x,y),size);
return collisionHelper(bounds(),new Vector(x,y),b,o,size);
catch (Exception e) {}
return null;
private java.awt.Point collisionHelper(BufferedImage a, Vector aPos, BufferedImage b, Vector bPos, int[] size)
for (int i = 0; i < a.getWidth(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < a.getHeight(); j++)
//If this point is not transparent (i.e. is existant)
if (a.getRaster().getPixel(i,j,size)[3] != 0)
//If the matching point within the ground is also not transparent, we have collision.
if (b.getRaster().getPixel((int)(bPos.x+aPos.x+i),(int)(bPos.y+aPos.y+j),size)[3] != 0)
return new java.awt.Point((int)(i+aPos.x),(int)(j+aPos.y));
return null;
* Draw the Physical, this is abstract, as generic Physicals
* don't have anything to draw.
* @param g The Graphics context to draw onto.
public void draw(java.awt.Graphics g) {}