Phone lower message layers

I’m a newbie and wonder if anyone know whether it is common for phone manufacturers to provide programming access to

  1. messages sent between the phone and the operator’s base station. Examples would be access to receive signal levels, call origination or drop call detail messages.

  2. indication on when an SMS has been sent or received, or latitude, longitude.

That is not part of MIDP 1 or 2… And I doubt any extra API gives you that functionality. However I know there is something similar to what you want(called the localization API or something), but I do not remember the name.

It’s not common by any means but there are some manufacturers that allow access to stuff like that. From my experience, Motorola, specially the iDEN phones, are notorious for having a lot of extension APIs with access to a ton of stuff. The more delicate info usually can only be accessed by signed MIDlets.
