Perspective Matrix not working properly

So Heres my Problem:

I have an Object at the center(0,0,0) with an radius of 0.1(its a sphere).

As the camera matrix and the model matrix I pass the identity matrix to the shader.
The projection matrix is an perspective matrix with an fov of 70 , an aspectratio of 16/9 and 0.1 as near clipping plane and 1000 as far clipping plane.

so the camera is at the center too, but i can see the whole object from the outside and if i pass a rotation matrix as the camera matrix, the camera rotates around the object. ???

So why is this so, any ideas where to look for an error.


the projection matrix computed with the const from above

0.80333 0 0 0
0 1.42815 0 0
0 0 1.0002 0.20002
0 0 1 1