Is there a reason why jinput has to be availble on command line apps?, if not, would it be possible to change the spec to allow/force the passing of one or more (java.awt.Component)s down to the enviroment, this would mean I don’t have to use libgii (which is being a pain), it also means the user has control of which (if any) windows get events fired when in focus. It’s portable over all platforms java runs on, and means you would get a consistant behavior. e.g. under direct input once you have access to a device, your window can loose focus and you still receive events, under X once you loose focus it’s gone, no more events (without some very nasty low level code).
Most if not all games are probably single window anyway, and those that arn’t could just pass another Component down.
This is opening the floor to discussion.
Are the JInput team willing to discus this?