Alright, I got a good one for you guys here. I have worked on this for a while to no avail so I thought some more math savvy people on here could point me in the right direction. So I’ve got a missile for my TD game that, when shot, rotates and follows it’s target like a real missile. Now I want to use my particle system to spawn particles in at the base of the rocket so it looks like a nice smoke trail. I already have all the particle and color fade coded, but I have no clue how to get the X and Y to pass it to spawn based on the rotation of the missile. Here is the code for it:
public void move(Graphics g) {
if (inGame) {
if ((xBullet >= targetX - 4 && xBullet <= targetX + 4) && (yBullet <= targetY + 4 && yBullet >= targetY - 4)) {
inGame = false;
new Explosion((int) xBullet - 26, (int) yBullet - 12);
xBullet = 900;
yBullet = 900;
targetX = Screen.currLevel.mobs[shotMob].x + Screen.currLevel.mobs[shotMob].width / 4;
targetY = Screen.currLevel.mobs[shotMob].y + Screen.currLevel.mobs[shotMob].width / 4;
distanceX = (int) ((double) targetX - xBullet);
distanceY = (int) ((double) targetY - yBullet);
sep = Math.sqrt((distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceY * distanceY));
scale = 3;
xBullet += (distanceX / sep) * scale;
yBullet += (distanceY / sep) * scale;
slope = (targetY - yBullet) / (targetX - xBullet);
damage = tower.damage;
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create();
double correction = 270;
float rotation;
rotation = (float) (Math.atan2(yBullet - targetY, xBullet - targetX) * (180 / Math.PI));[y][x].drawImage = false;
g2d.setTransform(AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.toRadians(rotation + correction), xBullet + / 2, yBullet + / 2));
g2d.drawImage(Screen.tileset_air[Value.missile], (int) xBullet, (int) yBullet,,, null);
Screen.addParticle(XCOORDINATE, YCOORDINATE, .2, 4, 80, 100, false,, Color.BLACK, 20);
public void draw(Graphics g) {
if (!Screen.currLevel.mobs[shotMob].isDead() && Screen.inGame) {
if (timeF >= timeS) {
timeF = 0;
} else {
} else {
// inGame = false;