Particle X:Y Spawn Coords Based on Rotation

Alright, I got a good one for you guys here. I have worked on this for a while to no avail so I thought some more math savvy people on here could point me in the right direction. So I’ve got a missile for my TD game that, when shot, rotates and follows it’s target like a real missile. Now I want to use my particle system to spawn particles in at the base of the rocket so it looks like a nice smoke trail. I already have all the particle and color fade coded, but I have no clue how to get the X and Y to pass it to spawn based on the rotation of the missile. Here is the code for it:

	public void move(Graphics g) {
		if (inGame) {
			if ((xBullet >= targetX - 4 && xBullet <= targetX + 4) && (yBullet <= targetY + 4 && yBullet >= targetY - 4)) {
				inGame = false;
				new Explosion((int) xBullet - 26, (int) yBullet - 12);
				xBullet = 900;
				yBullet = 900;
			targetX = Screen.currLevel.mobs[shotMob].x + Screen.currLevel.mobs[shotMob].width / 4;
			targetY = Screen.currLevel.mobs[shotMob].y + Screen.currLevel.mobs[shotMob].width / 4;
			distanceX = (int) ((double) targetX - xBullet);
			distanceY = (int) ((double) targetY - yBullet);
			sep = Math.sqrt((distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceY * distanceY));
			scale = 3;
			xBullet += (distanceX / sep) * scale;
			yBullet += (distanceY / sep) * scale;
			slope = (targetY - yBullet) / (targetX - xBullet);
			damage = tower.damage;

			Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create();
			double correction = 270;
			float rotation;
			rotation = (float) (Math.atan2(yBullet - targetY, xBullet - targetX) * (180 / Math.PI));[y][x].drawImage = false;
			g2d.setTransform(AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.toRadians(rotation + correction), xBullet + / 2, yBullet + / 2));
			g2d.drawImage(Screen.tileset_air[Value.missile], (int) xBullet, (int) yBullet,,, null);
			Screen.addParticle(XCOORDINATE, YCOORDINATE, .2, 4, 80, 100, false,, Color.BLACK, 20);

	public void draw(Graphics g) {
		if (!Screen.currLevel.mobs[shotMob].isDead() && Screen.inGame) {
			if (timeF >= timeS) {
				timeF = 0;
			} else {
		} else {
			// inGame = false;

Basically we need a bit of trigonometry

Where the distance should be the distance from the missiles rotation point to the point you want the missile to appear.

Something like that.

You could use atan2(diry,dirx) to get the angle.

what would be dirx and diry? I mean I know it is short for direction but I am not sure which variables you mean by it.

rotation = (float) (Math.atan2(yBullet - targetY, xBullet - targetX) * (180 / Math.PI));

dirx would actually be delta x and diry you delta y or dx and dry. Whatever you call them it should be the the distance between point A and point B in the X lane and the distance between point A and point B in the Y lane. Because we can imagine that there is a 90 degree triangle between the two points.

Basic trigonometry for 90 degree angled triangles.

Ah ok I understand… I have already done this to get the angle, look up in the code I posted. For your suggestion on the spawn position for the particles, I have tried and failed to use it many different ways. For some reason none of them seem to work.

Aaannd I slept on it and figured it out the next day (with the help you guys gave me :wink: ). So for anyone viewing this thread in the future, what I realized I had to do was plug in half the width and height of the image where missile_x and missile_y was so the final equations were these:

double particleX = (xBullet + / 2) - Math.toRadians(Math.cos((rotation) + correction)) * ( / 2);
double particleY = (yBullet + / 2) - Math.toRadians(Math.sin((rotation) + correction)) * ( / 2);