Particle Physics Problem

The P3 problem! ;D (sry, couldn’t help myself)

I thought of implementing my own particle physics into my game engine to interact with jBox2D bodies (so it can go faster instead of using many tiny bodies which will slow it down because of unnecessary stuff like rotations and stuff)…

I’m just messing around in Codea just to see how it goes and I have made the particles be able to bounce of non moving bodies…

But the problem now is that when a body moves over the particle, the particle just moves straight through it…

How do I do this?
I thought of the idea of moving the particle outside the body and make its speed the same as the moving object. But I do not know how to move it to the outside without out any noticeable bugs… Would I have to code this myself or is there something in jBox2D which can move points outside the body?

Can I get some help here please?
Has anybody else every tried making a particle physics engine?

Also, if anybody is wondering, Codea is Lua programming for the iPad… I just mess around with small projects on it to test ideas…

if you do not have thousands of particles going on at the same time, you can go the easy path …

use circle-shapes and make them part of the box2D instead of implementing point-particles outside.

(Sry, for late replay… Had to read over and over again… Brain not working recently… Still in holiday mode…)

But the whole point of this is to have something like smoke everywhere, then when someone jumps through the smoke or something gets thrown at it, the smoke acts like usual and spreads…

I don’t really need it but I thought it may be nice… Is there anyway to do it?

yes, ofc. you can create something like this with box2D.

create circle shapes, do not collide with geometry but use the joins to apply forces.