Particle Explosion with LibGDX

Alright, I’m going to do this quick and simple: For a nice explosion effect with the libGDX particle editor, how would I be able to make the particles face away from the source if I have an image like a fragment flying out as one of the layers? Also, are there any tips that anyone has to make a nice explosion effect? I stumbled across this:
but I want to know what you guys think!
Thanks -cMp
Edit: Also, whenever I use larger images for the particles, the effect is huge on my game! I know about doing all this stuff as well as the same for the low and high maxes of scale:

			particleEffect.getEmitters().get(i).getVelocity().setHigh(particleEffect.getEmitters().get(i).getVelocity().getHighMax() * 0.2f);

but then some of the effects go flying out even though I set the velocity to something smaller. I’m getting very confused :wink: