Particle Explosion with LibGDX

Alright, I’m going to do this quick and simple: For a nice explosion effect with the libGDX particle editor, how would I be able to make the particles face away from the source if I have an image like a fragment flying out as one of the layers? Also, are there any tips that anyone has to make a nice explosion effect? I stumbled across this:
but I want to know what you guys think!
Thanks -cMp
Edit: Also, whenever I use larger images for the particles, the effect is huge on my game! I know about doing all this stuff as well as the same for the low and high maxes of scale:

			particleEffect.getEmitters().get(i).getVelocity().setHigh(particleEffect.getEmitters().get(i).getVelocity().getHighMax() * 0.2f);

but then some of the effects go flying out even though I set the velocity to something smaller. I’m getting very confused :wink:

Alright, maybe I should have made the question a little more specific: When I import a particle effect into my libGDX game, the effect is much too big and takes up the entire screen. How may I downsize it to look normal?

Can you just downsize it in the particle editor: ?

well there is a spawn width and height option, but they are already at zero. I’ll try negatives and be right back.
Turns out that is only for the shape of the spawning circle/square/point. :confused:

Spawn width/height controls the size of the shape that spawns the particle, not the actual size of the particle. If you want to decrease the size of the effect overall, you’re going to have to change everything - angle, life, etc.

thanks, I’ll get to work on that! Is there a way I can change the size that it draws the image at?
Edit: Got it working :slight_smile: the explosion looks seriously awesome!