Panicky Penguin

I quite like this but I think it needs something extra…
Click on the screenshot to try it!

I was wondering what the gameplay was and suddenly became a red bloodstain. Next time I managed a score of 5, whilst experiencing mild panic. I like the pattern matching concept to find the ‘survival spaces’

Maybe add some power-ups - maybe a dig power-up, or maybe a special-sight power up, which highlights potential cavities. Power-ups only last a few seconds. Also could add score items and extra life stuff. And maybe add a predator or two. I wonder whether you could lure said predator away from a safe spot and get him crushed. Maybe predators tend to sit in safe positions (which helps show you where they are), but perhaps you have to sidle in to get him to move, then jump over him to get to the safe spot. Assuming you make it in time.

I like it! Got to 8 before I over extended. :slight_smile: Game play depth could be improved a lot of ways. A jump, slide would be neat. Falling stalactites? It kind of reminds me of Canabalt.

I would like a higher contrast between the background and the top of the cave.

haha excellent ! well done

Alas, another applet with like 2 FPS on my work machine. The sooner someone else releases a Java update for Mac OS X the better…

Damn! Was on a roll with 7 and got squashed.

I really loved it! Especially the first smash, because it’s so bizarre.

I quit the applet after level 15, it really needed some additional gameplay.

Level four. I like the blood the best.

Thats a nice game! I like the idea. The pinguin is very cute. :slight_smile:

I was hoping lvl 20 or so would be the last one but quit the applet after lvl 21, it indeed needs something special :slight_smile:


I was playing when my girfriend got out of bath and said
"aaaaw how cute … "
" … that’s stupid. "

how about extras like

  • stuff to block the cave from coming down completely
  • tools to dig yourself a hole
  • some explosives to blow yourself a hole
  • a mad scientist with a raygun that makes you invulnerable temporarily 8)
  • some fish you can throw at the ceiling to eat away the ice :smiley:
  • pictures of female penguines that make you get hot, so you melt into the ground ;D
  • etc.

Oo! Lots of good ideas (except maybe the lady penguins!). I’ll have a think as to what’s possible in the remaining bytes…

LOL - actually I found that one the best…

Definately agree, I liked that one really much as well, very creative :slight_smile:


Ok, I’ve panicked it up a bit - you can jump now, there’s rockfalls to dodge and also a cough cut-scene ending at level 20.
Save that penguin!

Nice, the blocks can ruin it all if they fall towards you when the ground is shaking :slight_smile:
