My name is Julien Gouesse and I run a “foundation” related on free gaming. I have been developing an indie game called TUER since October 2006. I decided to switch to JMonkeyEngine 2.0 some months ago. However, I chose to use the JOGL renderer that is still quite buggy and I have found almost no help to improve the reliability of this engine for free. This project is absolutely vital for the FGF as I have to convince some patrons and some institutions to fund us and it is one of the main tech demos I have planned to show. I had to show the previous version of TUER during the birthday of the Paris Java Users Group, it was a small disappointment for me even though people found it quite good.
The mission consists in fixing the issues 24 and 35 of JMonkeyEngine 2.0 as a first step:
The second step consists in fixing the following bugs:
- when using jmetest.util.JOGLAWTTest, drag the cube, you can see some flickering whereas the double buffering is enabled
- it is impossible to stop turning under Windows (see MouseLookHandler and FirstPersonHandler)
- it is no more possible to turn after some rounds (see MouseLookHandler and FirstPersonHandler)
If you’re interested in freelance work, then please send me your offer with the following information:
- Your CV
- Prior experience of programming with jMonkeyEngine 2.0
- Prior experience of programming games
- Your offer as a fixed price
Please make sure you meet these requirements:
- You must check your e-mail regularly
- You must know Java, especially AWT and at least one of the main OpenGL binding for Java (JOGL, LWJGL)
- You must know jMonkeyEngine 2.0
You will be paid twice, the first time after the delivery of the binary version of the fixes, the second time after the delivery of the full source code under GPL license (dual license GPL/BSD optionally if you prefer). The binary version will consist in 2 (or more) patched JAR (jme.jar and jme-awt.jar) without any native library. The fixes have to rely only on Java (J2SE 1.6) and JOGL 1.1.0 (or any further version), nothing else (the use of JInput is not allowed). The fixes have to work fine on all platforms supported by JOGL including Linux, Macintosh OS X 10.5 and Windows.
My offer as a fixed price is between 1000 and 3000 euros (between 1250 and 3750 US dollars). The fixes must be as efficient as possible, it mustn’t degrade noticeably the performance (for example, it mustn’t divide the frame rate by 2).
You may send your offer, or any questions to: gouessej@yahoo.fr