[PAID] Looking for Java consultant

I’m looking to hire one or more experienced Java developers to help with a couple things. Specifically, I’m looking for:

  • Help with some simple concurrency issues.

  • Consultation regarding distribution of Java apps in native executable form with an embedded JRE.

I advertised here some time ago and didn’t get any takers that time around. I know there are many experienced Java developers here though, so let me emphasize that this is paid work and I’m prepared to pay professional rates. So, if either of the items above seems like something you’d be able to help with, please get in touch.

Depending on your questions, we have many experts and semi-experts here, we might be able to answer your questions or give code suggestions simply via the forums.

Before offering to pay us, I say just ask the question(s) needed and see what feedback you get! :slight_smile:

[quote]Depending on your questions, we have many experts and semi-experts here, we might be able to answer your questions or give code suggestions simply via the forums.
Thanks, I may try the forums as well. That said, the scope of what I’m looking for might be beyond what’s appropriate for the forums, so at this point at least I’m still looking to hire someone. In any case, if anyone is interested or would like additional information, please don’t hesitate to post here or PM me.

Your issues (concurrency and embedded JRE) seem simple enough to not have to pay people for assistance. Who doesn’t NOT want to spend money? :stuck_out_tongue:

Like Rayvolution said, I highly suggest you ask around on the forums or even here.

Yeah, I understand :slight_smile: Again, I may try the forums as well, but I actually have some specific reasons for wanting to hire someone despite the simplicity of the tasks. I won’t clutter up the thread by elaborating here, but I’ll be happy to provide more details to anyone who’s interested. Meanwhile though I’ll just say that even though the tasks are fairly simple, I’m still interested in hiring someone, so if there’s anyone who’s interested in some contract work please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Maybe this and this can help. Good luck.

Thanks, I will take a look at those.