[PAID]Looking for an enthousiast & lead programmer to port Manbow2 to Android

Hi all,
We are looking for an enthousiastic programmer who can take the roll as lead developer and wants to help us port Norakomi’s Manbow2 to Android.
Manbow2 is a sequal to Space Manbow which was developed by Konami and originally released in 1989 for MSX2/2+.
Space Manbow is generally considered the best horizontal shooter on MSX2/2+, one of the few games which has the quality seen on consoles of the same time period. Norakomi was a big fan of the original game and because Konami didn’t create a sequal to the game, Norakomi decided to create one himself which got released in 2007 for MSX2/2+.

Who are we looking for?
Someone with a good to fluent understanding of java and preferably with experience in creating apps for Android.
Someone who can help us with the creation of the game engine in a relative short period.
Someone who knows how to adapt the game to smartphones and tablets & incorporate add networks (we also wanna create an add free version!).

Manbow2 consists of 9 levels. Music has been composed by the original Manbow2 team.
All graphics are done, although some graphics need to be reworked.
(for visuals & music please look at the links at the bottom)

Since we have a very low budget we are looking for creative sollution to pay you (see payment section). This means that we’re looking for more of an “enthousiast” then a “professional” with a “get-in, get payed, get-out” mentality. (we want to get you payed though!)
We’re looking for someone who thinks this is a cool project and loves to be a part of this.

Currently we have a very low budget, so for someone interested in this project I am looking for creative sollutions to get you payed.
For example:

Have you give us a desired payment amount you would like to get for this project.
I will then try to get you payed for this amount in parts by way off:

  1. Pay you a relative small fixed price out of our own budget.
  2. Combined with giving you co-ownership of the game, meaning a certain % of revenues from the game will be going to you.
  3. See if I can get additional funding by means of (small) investors (crowdfunding, kickstarter, personal networks), game-design tutorial creation and/or what else…
  4. Any other ideas are welcome & I will promise to do my best to get you payed what you (reasonably) desire to be payed.

Who are we?
Currently Norakomi are:
Bart (the original lead developer/music composer on Manbow2) who’s currently coding on a game based on MSX’s The Goonies:
Me, Rik, junior programmer; currently working on a game based on MSX’s Knightmare & Bart’s brother:
And a graphic designer that has worked with Bart on other projects in the past and currently helping out on his Goonies project.
Norakomi is based in Amsterdam , The Netherlands.

If you would like to get any kind of (additional) info please contact me!

On Manbow2:
All music & graphics and level design ( 9 levels) are finished.
Manbow2 was programmed in the MSX Assembly language and for the MSX computer (256kb Ram, 2,97Mhz)

Norakomi releases Manbow2 2007: http://www.msx.org/news/software/en/new-game-norakomi-development
Manbow2 song available for download: http://www.msx.org/news/music/en/manbow-2-songs-added-downloads
Review Manbow2: http://www.msx.org/articles/manbow-2

Showcase Youtube videos:

Manbow2 – level 1:


Manbow2 – level 7:


Manbow2 – story line:
