Page flipping and screen tearing


I’m experimenting some graphics settings and I’m currently playing with the frame rates.

My active rendering is based on page flipping offered by java 6.

What I noticed is when I set the frame rate to 25 FTS, it is ok (but not very smooth). When I set it to 50 FTS, I noted that -sometimes- screen tering effects occured.

I believed this kind of effect was not possible using page flipping?

Do you already experience that? ???



when I print out the DisplayMode.getRefreshRate(), it returned “1”… Normal ? ???

Hmm… The computer I used to test has a very poor graphic card and windows is using the standard driver to work with it…

I think the problem is coming from that.


Are you sure its using page flipping? BufferStrategy will try to use page flipping, but if the hardware does not support it it will use blitting. You can find out by getting the BufferCapabilities from the BufferStrategy.

You’re right:

strategy = getBufferStrategy();
final BufferCapabilities capabilities = strategy.getCapabilities();
System.out.println("PageFlipping:" + capabilities.isPageFlipping());
System.out.println("MultiBufferAvailable: " + capabilities.isMultiBufferAvailable());
System.out.println("FullScreenRequired:" + capabilities.isFullScreenRequired());

MultiBufferAvailable: false
