
I know everyone has probably written one but here is my Othello program :slight_smile:

It should give a reasonable game on the opening level but you can adjust the level up or down from there. The graphics were done for me by dehannes. All feedback is welcome.


Rather more polished than the space invaders applet :slight_smile: And the bugger thrashed me too on the default AI setting. But then, my brain can only really cope with blowing things up, rather than actual thinking ::slight_smile:

Cas :slight_smile:

When I Undo a move, I can switch sides :slight_smile:

Undo! That’s practically cheating!

BTW you should read Mike’s page on bikes he’s owned - apart from being hilarious it’s a wonder he’s alive! And for kicks go and see his A.I. Wife too :wink:

Cas :slight_smile:

Cas : Glad you like the stories.

Undo : removing one move at a time allows a little more fine control of the game as with the same button you to try swapping sides etc. The play button also allows you to make the computer play your move for you or just swap sides from that point on. I wanted to offer as much as I could without using too screen real estate.

Did the initial level feel roughly right? did the “Pass” button seem obvious?

Cool, love the paramotoring! Really funny. But I would never do that, way too scary.

The game crashed with an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException the first time but the second time it worked sweet. But I don’t know how to play othello…

What sort of OS are you running on?
Did you do anything in particular to make it crash?
If it happens again could you show the actual error message :slight_smile:

You play by trapping the opponents pieces between your pieces which then makes them yours. The winner is the one with the most pieces at the end. Getting corners is good.

Paramotoring : it can be quite scary at times and often gets a little dangerous (4 of our group died in separate incidents) but the feeling of sitting in what feels like a small garden chair while wafting your feet through the tops of clouds and looking down on creation is difficult to beat.

Oh my goodness, that’s pretty horrible. Good on you for doing it though!

I would have pasted the log but I reloaded the applet too quickly sorry