OSX File Attributes

I’m just putting myself together an ANT script to produce a Mac App bundle when I do my full build. However, I need to set two files to be “executable” (i.e. unix file permisions) when they’re extracted from a zip. Is there a way to achieve this on windows?


Look in the CVS of Ultratron, there’s a macbuild directory in there with an Ant build.xml that Scott Palmer gave me. Observe this bit:

        <zip destfile="${dist}/${product.name}_MacOSX.zip">
            <zipfileset dir="${macbuilds}" filemode="644" dirmode="755" prefix="" includes="**/*" excludes="**/JavaApplicationStub,**/*.sh"/>
            <zipfileset dir="${macbuilds}" filemode="755" prefix="" includes="**/JavaApplicationStub,**/*.sh"/>

Trick seems to be the “filemode” param.

Cas :slight_smile:

Nice one Cas, always on the ball! :slight_smile:
